
Wokingham Theatre wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for our brilliant members, and our membership is made up from a wide array of experiences and backgrounds. We have a policy of colour-conscious casting, a wide-reaching diversity and inclusion policy, and we’re always keen to hear from any potential new members thinking about joining us.

Whether you’re a seasoned amateur actor looking to tread our boards, you want to meet new theatre friends, or just want to get involved in the local arts scene, there’s something for everyone.

Getting Involved

The best way to get involved at Wokingham Theatre is to become a member. This opens up all the doors and opportunities that members of our vibrant theatre enjoy, such as auditions for shows, backstage support, front of house and social events.

In fact, as a community theatre that is produced, managed and run entirely by volunteers, there’s never a shortage of ways to get involved here, and you can find out all about them via our regular email newsletter, Prompt.

With regular social events and a packed calendar of productions, as well as membership extras such as workshops, play reading groups, and a writing group, there’s plenty to enjoy at WT. Plus you’ll also get a direct say over how WT is run at our annual AGM.

There’s also plenty of ways to volunteer your time without even being involved in shows, such as helping with theatre marketing, the box office, social media, finance, operations, website admin and more.

Membership is open to everyone and – unlike many other societies – there are no individual show fees, just one annual fee. Then once you’ve joined you can get as involved with as much or as little as you’d like to at WT.

Theatre Tours

For anyone considering joining but still not sure, we offer the chance of a tour round the theatre so you can get a feel for our facilities. Just drop us a message through the Contact Us form online, and we’ll put you in touch with the appropriate contact.

Paying for Membership

For new members, membership runs for 12 months from the day you join the theatre*. Our preferred method of payment is using the membership online facility on the Wokingham theatre website. If this method is not convenient to you you may pay for membership by bank transfer; our bank details are as follows. Please ensure that you include at least your surname as a payment reference.

Wokingham Theatre Ltd
30-91-11           03360286

You may also pay by cheque, made payable to Wokingham Theatre Limited, and addressed to:

Membership Secretary, Wokingham Theatre, Twyford Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 5TU

*For existing members, renewal dates are set as 1st September each year.

Gift Aid on membership

If you are a UK tax payer, with your permission Wokingham Theatre can claim Gift Aid on your membership fee at no extra cost to you. To allow WT to do this, please click here to fill in the WT Gift Aid Declaration form (it will open in a new browser window) -> GAD Form


Full Membership

£20 / year

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Student Membership

£5 / year

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Life Membership

Available for a £200 one-time cost, or awarded to members active for 20+ years. Get in touch with our team to find out more.

Contact Us